This book cannot drive away the pandemic, but we believe that it can help make it more bearable.
Dear artists, dear website visitors,
We are fully aware of the horrific challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. We know and respect that many people had terrible losses, suffer under daily restrictions, and must deal with severe economic struggles.
We strongly believe that humour and art can help us in coping with this crisis.
It looks as if we’ll have to learn to live with the corona virus and adjust to a new normality. Therefore, our mission is to help and support in re-embracing normality in extraordinary times. We must learn how to live with the virus while staying mentally and physically healthy; and find ways to leading normal lives again, as much as possible.
We do not encourage anyone to get infected on purpose! Please inform yourself in detail regarding the benefits of vaccination and make a cautious and informed decision.
We stand for tolerance. We feel that society should be open and tolerant to both camps — corona hardliners and corona sceptics. Let’s be tolerant, supportive of each other, and foster a kind way of living together, regardless of the individual corona believes.
To happiness, health, and lightheartedness!
Heartful greetings and wishes for good health,
BMI Expert Publishing
Represented by Dr Richard Hagl